Just Do What Works.

They’re just kids, kids who need a little help in school, but they teach their own poignant lessons.

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Just Do What Works.

Just Do What Works employs powerful storytelling revolving around the comings and goings of students in a special classroom environment. The students are different from each other and different from their other classmates, a bit like pieces from different puzzles tossed all together. Yet for a precious period of time each day, children gather in this classroom and learn to find themselves and understand each other and make their own beautiful puzzle. The stories of these children are remarkable. You will root for them. You will cry for them. You will celebrate when they “win.” And you’ll admire the teacher who breaks down a wall that was holding a child back. Prepare your funny bone and grab a tissue as you experience roller coaster emotions reading the real-life situations experienced by this novice teacher and her precious students.

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About the Author.

"Donec at ullamcorper leo. Donec facilisis lobortis neque at feugiat. Aenean nec bibendum tortor, at euismod felis. Praesent porta velit non velit mattis, eu condimentum nisl sagittis. Vivamus faucibus nunc et commodo commodo. Suspendisse faucibus risus sapien, sit amet vulputate odio laoreet blandit."

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